83. Test of Faith
A gang tests the faith of its newest members.
Source: House of Faith
While the scenarios provided here have been designed for House Cawdor gangs, there is no reason that, with the permission of the Arbitrator, they might not be used for any gang.
Test of Faith lends itself well to multi-player games – where multiple gangs gather to test the strength of their newest members or even a gathering of Cawdor gangs fight each other to weed out the weakest believers among them. By contrast, Righteous Crusade can be used to represent any gang that has been charged with clearing out an area of the underhive, whether in the name of some unseen master, or perhaps in the employ of the Guilds, a criminal syndicate or some other underhive power.
Attacker & Defender
Tie-breaker for determining the attacker:
- Cawdor.
- Lowest rating.
- Roll-off (the winner can choose attacker/defender).
The other gang is the defender.
Custom (10).
Tactics Cards
- Custom (2).
- Underdog (starting crew cost): +1 random per 100 credits
The Unworthy
A gang tests the faith of its newest members.
Declare 3 Unworthy fighters from the attacking crew:
- The 3 cheapest fighters (credit cost).
- Not Leader or Champion.
Trials Of Faith
The Unworthy must prove themselves during the battle.
There are 6 trials that can be completed by the Unworthy:
- Perform a Coup de Grace (against an enemy).
- Recover from being Seriously Injured.
- Inflict a wound on an enemy Leader or Champion.
- Take down an enemy Psyker (Seriously Injure or Out of Action).
- Take down an enemy Brute (Seriously Injure or Out of Action).
- Survive being ablaze for 3 consecutive rounds.
Each trial can be completed multiple times.
Ending the Battle
The battle ends when any of the following are true:
- Only one gang remains on the battlefield.
- All Unworthy are removed from the battlefield.
- Completing 6 trials.
The attacker wins if completing 6 trials. Otherwise the defender wins.
Scenario specific rewards:
- +1 for taking part.
- +D3 to each Unworthy completing at least 1 trial.
Standard rewards:
- +1 for taking an enemy Out of Action.
- +1 for taking an enemy Leader or Champion Out of Action.
- +1 for killing an enemy (during the battle).
- +1 for Rallying.
- +D3 to the winner.
- +D3+1 to the attacker if completing each individual trial (6 different).
- -1 for bottling out.
This scenario is broken. The defender can almost always win by voluntarily failing the Bottle test, then fleeing the battlefield, preventing the Unworthy from completing more trials.
Solution: The attacker wins if the defender voluntarily bottles out OR flees the battlefield voluntarily.