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89. Settlement Raid

Man the walls!

In the Settlement Raid scenario, one gang launches a full-frontal assault on another gang’s settlement in order to try to loot it.

Outcast Scenario

While this scenario can be played in any campaign, there are additional effects when played in an Outlander campaign. These are noted throughout this scenario.

Phase 3 only

Cannot be used in phase 1 of the campaign.

View the full page on Outcast Scenarios.

Source: Book of the Outcast

Attacker & Defender

Tie-breaker for determining the attacker:

  1. Highest rating.
  2. Roll-off (the winner can choose attacker/defender).

The other gang is the defender.

Outlander Campaign

The gang who issued the challenge is the attacker.


Divide the battlefield into 2 halves:

  • Attacker: Standard.
  • Defender: Defender can set up any terrain representing their settlement including a Gang Stronghold.

The defender's half is the settlement being raided.

Outlander Campaign

The defender can set up any and all settlement defences in defender's half of the battlefield. This replaces the default Gang Stronghold.


  • Attacker: Custom (10).
  • Defender: Random (10) + Reinforcements.

Tactics Cards

  • Custom (2).
  • Underdog (starting crew cost): +1 random per 100 credits.


  1. Defender: Anywhere in the settlement.
  2. Attacker: Within 2" of the opposite battlefield edge.


  • Defender: 2.
  • Each End phase (starting on the 3rd round).

Tactics Cards

  • Custom (2).
  • Underdog (starting crew cost): +1 random per 100 credits.

Home Turf Advantage


  • Bottle tests: Roll 2D6 and discard the highest.
  • Rally tests: +1.
  • Hangers-on: Included in the crew on a 4+ (roll individually).

Ransacking The Settlement

The attacker is trying to get fighters into the enemy settlement to cause havoc and steal anything that is not nailed down.

Attackers B2B with the defender's battlefield Edge can be removed from the battlefield in the start of the End phase.

Fleeing The Battlefield

If the defender voluntarily bottles out and flees the battlefield, all remaining attackers automatically ransacks the settlement.

Ending the Battle

The battle ends when only one gang has fighters remaining on the battlefield.


The attacker wins by looting at least 100 credits from the settlement, otherwise the defender wins.



  • Attacker: D3x10 per ransacking attacker.
  • Defender: D6x10 for winning.


Scenario specific rewards:

  • +1 for taking part.
  • +1 to each ransacking attacker.

Standard rewards:

  • +1 for taking an enemy Out of Action.
  • +1 for taking an enemy Leader or Champion Out of Action.
  • +1 for killing an enemy (during the battle).
  • +1 for Rallying.


  • +D3 to the winner.
  • -1 for bottling out.
Outlander Campaign


Choose one of the following per attacker that moves off the defender's battlefield edge:

  • D6 Power.
  • D6 Salvage.
  • D6 Sustenance.