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This page has been reworded to comply with copyright. Refer to an item's source for its original text.

A fighter may only be equipped with one type of armour at a time (unless stated otherwise). Any exceptions are stated on the item.

Trading Post Armour

Ablative Overlay

20 Credits
Source: Necromunda Core Rulebook (2023)

Save: +2 to their save for the first hit, +1 to their save on the second hit.

Special Rules: After two save attempts the overlay has no effect for the rest of the battle, but can be used again in future battles.

Can be worn with other armour.


120 Credits – Rare (12)
Source: Necromunda Core Rulebook (2023)

Save: 4+ save.

Special Rules: When suffering a lasting injury, they gain a bionic instead (no change to their stats). This bionic can't be damaged (future lasting injuries of that type are ignored).

Whenever they activate, roll a D6. IF the result is less than the number of bionics they have, they gain the Insane condition.

If they have six or more bionics, remove them from your warband (they turn into a cyber-monster).


20 Credits – Illegal (9)
Source: Necromunda Core Rulebook (2023)

Save: 5+ save.

Special Rules: Can't be reduce to worse than a 6+ by AP or anything else (attacks ignoring saves will still ignore it though).


Source: Necromunda Core Rulebook (2023)

Light Carapace

80 credits – Rare (10)

Save: 4+ save.

Heavy Carapace

100 credits – Rare (11)

Save: 4+ save, 3+ in front vision arc.
Drawbacks when worn: Initiative -1, -1" movement when charging.

Special Rules: Save is increased to 3+ when being attacked from their front vision arc. If they done have a front (eg prone), use 4+. Blast attacks use the blast centre to determine direction.

Ceramite Shield

40 Credits – Rare (8)
Source: Necromunda Core Rulebook (2023)

Save: +2 in front vision arc.
Drawbacks when worn: When standing, Move action becomes (Basic) instead of (Simple). Reduce the number of carried weapons by one.

Special Rules: Ignores Melta attacks if in their front vision arc.

Can be used with other armour.


Source: Necromunda Core Rulebook (2023)

10 credits

Save: 6+ save, 5+ against Blast of Flame templates.

Gutterforged Cloak

15 Credits
Source: Necromunda Core Rulebook (2023)

Save: 6+ save, 5+ against damage from Underhive Perils or the environment.

Hazard Suit

10 Credits – Rare (10)
Source: Necromunda Core Rulebook (2023)

Save: 6+ save.

Special Rules: When a respirator is also equipped, increase the fighter's Toughness against Gas attacks by 3 (instead of 2 for just the respirator).

Immune to Blaze and Rad-phage traits.

Mantle Malifica

75 Credits – Illegal (13)
Source: Necromunda Core Rulebook (2023)

Save: 5+ save, unmodifiable 4+ save against psychic.

Special Rules: a sucessful save against a psychic attack makes the fighter immune to the effect, but the attack still happened for rules purposes.

Each end phase of a round, the wearer must make a Willpower test or gain the Insane condition.

Mesh Armour

15 Credits
Source: Necromunda Core Rulebook (2023)

Save: 5+ save.

Reflec Shroud

30 Credits – Rare (8)
Source: Necromunda Core Rulebook (2023)

Save: 5+ save

Special Rules: Las, plasma and melta weapons lose their AP against the wearer.

Scrap Shield

15 Credits
Source: Necromunda Core Rulebook (2023)

Save: +1 against reaction attacks.

Special Rules: Can be used while wearing other armour.

Exclusive Armour

Armoured Bodyglove

Van Saar only
Source: House of Artifice

Save: +1 save.

Special Rules: Immune to the Rad-phase trait.

Can be worn with other armour (but not an armoured undersuit).

Armoured Undersuit

See Personal Equipment: Armoured Undersuit.

Furnace Plates

Save: 6+ save, 5+ in front vision arc.

Flak (Hardened, Layered)

Hardened Flak Armour

Save: 6+ save, 5+ against Blast/Template.

Special Rules: Reduce the AP by 1 (to a minimum of -1).

Layered Flak Armour

Save: 5+ save, 4+ against Blast/Template.

Hardened Layered Flak Armour

Save: 5+ save, 4+ against Blast/Template.

Special Rules: Reduce the AP by 1 (to a minimum of -1).

Plate Mail

Save: 6+ save, 5+ in front vision arc, 5+ against blast.

Shield (Energy/Assault)

Save: +2 melee in front vision arc, +1 ranged in front vision arc.


The shield is also a close combat weapon (Str S, Knockback).