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41. Meat Harvest

Meat for the grinder!

Source: Dark Uprising

Attacker & Defender

If only one gang is Chaotic, then that gang is the attacker. Otherwise, the gang who chose this scenario is the attacker, the other is the defender.




  • Random (D3+2) + Reinforcement.

Tactics Cards

  • Custom (2).
  • Underdog (starting crew cost): +1 random per 100 credits.


  1. Standard.
  2. Take turns (starting with the attacker) deploying 12 Hive Dwellers anywhere more than 8” from a battlefield edge.
House Rule (Necrodamus)

This scenario is a broken. It is suggested to deploy the Hive Dwellers outside any deployment zones and at least 6” from any other fighter (in addition to the original rule of 8” from any battlefield edge).


  • 1 per gang.
  • Each End phase (starting on the 2nd round).

A Bloody Harvest

The attacker is out on the search for fresh meat.

After both crews have deployed, place 12 hive dwellers (see below) on the battlefield. Starting with the attacker, both players take turns placing the hivers anywhere on the battlefield more than 8" away from a board edge. Hivers do not have a profile - as they are unarmed shell-shocked survivors of the uprising merely trying to get to safety - but they can be affected by some weapons.

Attacker: 1 point per harvested hive dweller (hit by a close combat attack and taken Out of Action on a 3+).

Hive Dwellers

  • No profile or equipment.
  • If hit by a ranged attack (including Blast/Template), roll a D6. on a 5+ they go Out of Action, otherwise they are unharmed.
  • If hit by a close combat attack, go Out of Action on 3+ (this counted as being "harvested"). Otherwise move D6” directly away from the attacker.
  • In the End Phase, if they are more than 2" from a defender, roll a Scatter dice for each hiver amd move 2D6” in that direction (stopping outside 1” of a fighter or contacting impassable terrain).

Salvation for the Worthy

The defender is attempting to guide the hivers to safety before the attacker's gang harvests them for Meat.

In this secnario, the defender's fighters can use the Shepherd (Basic) action.

Defenders can spend a Basic action (Shepherd):

Shepherd (Basic) action: Make a Leadership check for the fighter. If successful, any hivers within 8" immediately move 2D6" towards the fighter.

In the End phase, any hivers in the defender's deployment zone and also within 2" of a defending fighter may be removed from the battlefield. Each hiver removed from the battlefield is worth 2 victory points to the defender.

Ending the Battle

The battle ends when at least 1 condition is true:

  • Only one gang has fighters remaining.
  • All hivers escape.


The gang that gathered the most loot points is the winner. If the score is equal:

  • Uprising: The gang with Ascendancy is the winner.
  • Otherwise: Draw.



  • D3x10 to the attacker for each harvested hiver.
  • D6x10 to the defender for each escaped hiver.


Scenario specific rewards:

  • +1 for taking part.

Standard rewards:

  • +1 for taking an enemy Out of Action.
  • +1 for taking an enemy Leader or Champion Out of Action.
  • +1 for killing an enemy (during the battle).
  • +1 for Rallying.


  • +D3 for winning.
  • -1 to any gang that bottled out.

Phase 1:

  • Credits: As described above.

Phase 3:

  • Starvation:
    • +1 per enemy Out of Action.
    • Attacker: +1 per harvested hiver.
  • Scavenge:
    • Winner: +1.
    • Defender: +1 per escaped hiver.