117. House of Pain
- Graffiti on the wall at the Brokebone FightingPits
In this scenario, two gang leaders fight to the death to assert personal dominance.
Source: Cinderak Burning
Standard (Zone Mortalis / Sector Mechanicus).
Size: 12" x 12" (a small confined area).
- Custom (5).
No vehicles or mounts.
Each gang must nominate a fighter as a Challenger.
Tactics Cards
- Custom (2).
- Underdog (Gang Rating): +1 random per 100 credits.
Take turns deploying fighters, starting with the gang with the highest rating:
- Challenger: Within 2" of the centre.
- Other fighters: Anywhere at least 6" from enemies.
Duelling Gods
Two gang leaders fight to the death to assert personal dominance.
Challengers have the following rules:
- Cannot be targeted by or affected by abilities or weapons of anything else than other Challengers.
- Cannot move more than 6" away from the enemy (during activation).
- Ignore all Injury results other than OoA results.
- Cannot flee the battlefield - only way out is death!
Maelstrom Of Battle
Non-Challenger fighters that end an activation within 2" of any Challenger (friend or foe!) suffer an Injury roll.
Ending the Battle
The battle ends in an End phase if max 1 Challenger remains.
The gang with the only remaining Challenger is the winner. Otherwise it is a draw.
- Win: 2D6x10.
- Lose: D6x5.
- Draw: D6x10.
Scenario specific rewards:
- +1 for taking part.
- +D3 to the winning Challenger
Standard rewards:
- +1 for taking an enemy Out of Action.
- +1 for taking an enemy Leader or Champion Out of Action.
- +1 for killing an enemy (during the battle).
- +1 for Rallying.
- +D3 (win).
- -1 (bottle out).
Fist Of The Over-Tyrant
If players wish, they may use this scenario to represent the fight for control of the House of Chains between Djangar and Varran.
In order to do this, make the following changes:
- One gang should contain Djangar ‘Gunfists’ as its Challenger, the other a Goliath Tyrant equipped with equivalent levels of equipment. The rest of both gangs should be composed of Goliath gang members.
- At the end of each round, both Challengers heal up to their starting number of wounds.
- The two Challengers can only attack each other with close combat attacks.