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Palanite Enforcers

Gang Composition

Enforcers follow normal rules with the following exceptions:

  • New gangs must have at least 2 Gangers of the same type as the Leader (Palatine or Subjugator).
  • Otherwise, the gang can consist of any mix of Palanite & Subjugator fighters.
  • Must have at least 1 Ganger for each Leader and Champion in the gang.
  • All fighters can have multiple equipment sets.
  • Gangers must become Specialists to gain skills (as normal).

Special Rules

Follow normal rules as other gangs with the following exceptions:

  • All fighters (except Juves) can carry any weapon types (no weapon type restrictions).
  • Fighters cannot be upgraded to Subjugator after recruitment.
  • Cannot hold territories in Dominion campaigns. See Palanite Enforcers in Dominion Campaigns.
House Rule (A&A)

Dominion Campaign: Enforcers can gain boons from territories like other gangs


140 credits

Captain (Leader)


Skills: 1 Primary (custom).
Wargear: Stub gun, flak armour, magnacles, armoured undersuit.
Restrictions: None, except Subjugator Equipment.

Subjugator Upgrade

Cost: 10

  • Replace flak with layered flak.
  • Gain access to Subjugator Equipment (instead of Palanite Equipment).
100 credits

Sergeant (Champion)


Skills: 1 Primary (custom).
Wargear: Stub gun, flak armour, magnacles, armoured undersuit.
Restrictions: None, except Subjugator Equipment.

Subjugator Upgrade

Cost: 10

  • Replace flak with layered flak.
  • Gain access to Subjugator Equipment (instead of Palanite Equipment).
70 credits

Patrolman (Ganger)


Wargear: Stub gun, flak armour, magnacles, armoured undersuit.
Restrictions: None, except Subjugator Equipment.

Subjugator Upgrade

Cost: 10

  • Replace flak with layered flak.
  • Gain access to Subjugator Equipment (instead of Palanite Equipment).
0* credits

Rookie (Juve)


Wargear: Stub gun, flak armour, magnacles, armoured undersuit.
Restrictions: Pistols, Basic and Close Combat, except Subjugator Equipment.

*Fresh From the Academy

When an Enforcer is dead or retired, a single Rookie may be recruited for free in the post-battle sequence.

Rookies can't be purchased, they only replace dead/retired fighters.

30 credits

Palanite Ranger (Crew)


Palanite Specialist

The total number of Gangers and Crew in a Palanite Enforcers gang must always be equal to, or higher than, the total number of other fighters (Leaders and Champions) in the gang, not counting Hangers-on or Rookies.

Vehicle Crew

A Palanite Ranger must always be equipped with a vehicle.


A Palanite Ranger must be equipped with a vehicle and they may purchase Wargear and weapons from the Palanite Ranger equipment list.

  • During the course of a campaign, a Palanite Ranger may be given additional Wargear from this list and the Trading Post.
  • During the course of a campaign, a Palanite Ranger may be given additional weapons from this list and the Pistols section of the Trading Post.
  • A Palanite Ranger may be given a replacement vehicle from either this list or the Trading Post, in which case their existing vehicle (if present) is placed into the gang’s Stash.

Source: The Aranthian Succession: Ruins of Jardlan

130 credits

Enforcer Tauros Venator (Vehicle)


Locomotion: Wheeled.
Upgrade Slots: 2 Body, 3 Drive, 3 Engine.
Weapon Hardpoints: 1. Crew Operated, Arc (All Round).

Dedicated Gunner

When performing a Move & Shoot (Basic) action, this vehicle may move up to its full Movement characteristic instead of half.


An Enforcer Tauros Venator may be equipped with vehicle Upgrades, vehicle Wargear and a weapon from the Enforcer Tauros Venator equipment list.

  • During the course of a campaign, an Enforcer Tauros Venator may be equipped with additional vehicle Wargear from the Enforcer Tauros Venator equipment list and the Trading Post.
  • During the course of a campaign, an Enforcer Tauros Venator may be fitted with additional vehicle Upgrades from the Enforcer Tauros Venator equipment list.
  • During the course of a campaign, an Enforcer Tauros Venator can be equipped with a weapon from this list or the Basic, Special or Heavy sections of the Trading Post.

Source: The Aranthian Succession: Ruins of Jardlan

130 credits

0-2 Hardcase Cyber-Mastiff (Exotic Beast)

WeaponRg SRg LAcc SAcc LStrApDAmmoTraits
Shock Bite-E--S-11-Melee, Rending, Shock

Weapons: Shock bite.
Wargear: Hardcase: light carapace (4+) & respirator.
Special Rules: Tenacious, Hardcase, Faithful Protector.

Special Rules


If taken Out of Action while not yet activated this round, this fighter is not removed from the battlefield until after completing its activation.


Hardcase Cyber-mastiffs are completely cybernetic and thus very hard to kill. A Hardcase Cyber-mastiff counts as being equipped with light carapace armour and a respirator.

Faithful Protector

While Standing (Active or Engaged) and within 3” of its owner, enemy fighters may not make a Coup de Grace against the owner.

In addition, if the owner is Standing and Engaged when activated, and the Hardcase Cyber-mastiff is within 6" of them, the Hardcase Cyber-mastiff may immediately be moved into base contact with one or more of the fighters Engaging the owner. Thismove counts as a free action.

205 credits

0-2 Enforcer ‘Sanctioner’ Pattern Automata (Brute)

WeaponRg SRg LAc SAc LSAPDAmTraits
Pacifier assault claw-E--S-12-Melee, Pulverise
Heavy shock baton-E--S+1-2-Concussion, Melee, Parry, Shock
Grenade launcher array
- photon flash grenades
6"18"-----5+Blast (5"), Flash

Skills: Got Your Six.
Weapons: Pacifier assault claw, heavy shock baton, grenade launcher array with photon flash grenades.
Wargear: Light carapace armour.
Special Rules: Automated Repair Systems, Mobile Bulwark.

Special Rules

Automated Repair Systems

During the Recovery and Restart step of the End phase, do not roll if this fighter recovers from being Seriously Injured − it automatically recovers as if a Flesh Wound had been rolled on the Injury dice.

Mobile Bulwark

If a friendly fighter is in partial cover due to being obscured by a Sanctioner Automata, they instead count as being in full cover.


An Enforcer ‘Sanctioner’ Pattern Automata can replace their pacifier assault claw and/or heavy shock baton with one of the following:

Concussion cannon+80
Sanction pattern mancatcher+100
SLHG pattern assault ram ‘Sledge hammer’+40

An Enforcer ‘Sanctioner’ Pattern Automata can take the following additional grenades types for their grenade launcher array: •

Choke gas grenades+35
Scare gas grenades+45
Smoke grenades+15
Stun grenades+25

An Enforcer ‘Sanctioner’ Pattern Automata can upgrade its light carapace armour to heavy carapace armour:

Heavy carapace armour+20

Source: The Aranthian Succession: Vaults of Temenos

Skill Access

AgilityBrawnCombatCunningFerocityLeadershipShootingPalanite DrillSavantDriving
Captain (Leader)-Primary--SecondarySecondaryPrimaryPrimary--
Sergeant (Champion)-Secondary-PrimarySecondarySecondaryPrimaryPrimary--
Patrolman Specialist-Secondary--Secondary-PrimaryPrimary--
Rookie (Juve)Secondary-----SecondaryPrimary--
‘Sanctioner’ Pattern Automata--Secondary-Primary-----
Palanite Ranger (Crew)-----SecondarySecondary-PrimaryPrimary

Palanite Enforcers In Dominion Campaigns

An Enforcer Patrol can be fielded in a Dominion Campaign if players wish (see the Necromunda Rulebook), but due to their nature will function differently to other gangs in a few important ways.

Territories And Campaign Phases

Enforcers cannot occupy and control Territories like other gangs can. Instead, they start the campaign in control of a single Territory unique to them – the Palanite Precinct Territory.

Occupation Phase: During the Occupation phase, Enforcers may challenge another gang for a nominated unoccupied Territory as normal. Similarly, another gang may challenge the Enforcers to fight for a nominated unoccupied Territory as normal. If the Enforcers win, rather than take control of the Territory, they must perform either a Police Territory or Grant Territory action (as follows).

Takeover Phase: During the Takeover phase, the Enforcers may challenge any gang for a Territory that gang controls. If the Enforcers win, they must perform either a Police Territory or Grant Territory action (as follows).

If, however, another gang challenges the Enforcers during the Takeover phase then the gang is assumed to be launching a bold assault against the Enforcers’ Palanite Precinct Territory (as follows). The challenger cannot gain control of the Palanite Precinct, but will gain the benefits of a successful assault should they win. The Enforcers cannot lose the Palanite Precinct, but can suffer the negative effects associated with it being successfully assaulted.

Territory Actions

If the Enforcers win control of an unoccupied or enemy-held Territory, they must perform one of the following actions during the Wrap-up:

Police Territory: The Enforcers clear up the Territory. In a series of shock assaults and raids, they shut down criminal enterprises and flush out troublemakers:

  • The Enforcers gain control of the Territory, but they gain no Boons from it.
  • Immediately after taking control of the Territory and after every successful defence of the Territory, the Enforcers gain D3+1 Reputation for purging the Territory of crime.

Grant Territory: The Enforcer player chooses another gang taking part in the campaign. That gang gains control of the Territory andanyCriminal Enterprises associated with it.


Players of Palanite Enforcers may not be awarded the Dominator Triumph. Instead they have a unique Peacemaker Triumph to reach for:

Peacemaker: If none of the players can be awarded the Dominator Triumph – because two or more players hold the same number of Territories – the Enforcer is awarded the Peacemaker Triumph.

Unique Territory – Palanite Precinct

Fortress, gaol, and place of execution, a Palanite Precinct is the authority of Lord Helmwar stamped boldly into the very structure of the underhive in rockcrete and plasteel for all to see.


If challenged in the Takeover phase, the ensuing battle will automatically take place within the Palanite Precinct, representing a bold gang assaulting the Precinct:

  • When the Palanite Precinct is assaulted, the battle will automatically be fought using Zone Mortalis terrain.
  • The player that controls the Enforcers sets upall of the tiles, doors, barricades and any other terrain features. They also can decide if any of the doors are locked. The player who controls the Enforcers treats all doors as unlocked, and can relock any door.
  • The player who controls the Enforcers automatically has the Home Turf Advantage when the Palanite Precinct is assaulted.

Territory Boon

Income: The gang earns D6x10 credits from this Territory when collecting income.

Gang Assault: A gang can never take control of a Palanite Precinct. If, however, a gang should assault the Palanite Precinct and win the ensuing battle, that gang will gain +5 Reputation.