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Personal Equipment


This page has been reworded to comply with copyright. Refer to an item's source for its original text.

Trading Post Personal Equipment

Archaeotech Device

120 Credits – Rare (13)
Source: Necromunda Core Rulebook (2023)

When bought, allocate to a fighter, then roll on the table below.

If transferred to another fighter, they must pass an Intelligence test the first time they try and activate it. If they pass, use it like norma. If failed, wait until the next battle before trying to activate again.

Archaeotech Device Table

The fighter accidentally triggers the device as they’re messing about with it. The bearer goes into recovery, the archaeotech device is destroyed.
The fighter can use the device to view different places, shifting their perspective to almost any point, even if it’s beyond closed doors and solid walls. Unlocks the Scan (Simple) action. Place a revealed marker on an enemy within 18". If the bearer is a sentry, roll a D6 when activated. On a 6 they raise the alarm.
3Cutting Beam
The device can be used to focus a cutting beam of great power on a stationary object. Unfortunately, it’s useless as a weapon because both the target and the fighter have to be perfectly still for the beam to focus, but it makes for a good can opener! Unlock the Laser Cut (Double) action. If within 1" of a door, loot casket or other damageable piece of terrain, this action will inflict a single automatic S8 D3 hit against the target.
The device is a sophisticated form of suspensor which can negate or lessen gravity for its bearer, allowing them to float up or down for a limited period. Ignores all terrain and may ignore gravity when Moving of Charging. Can't break movement laws, i.e ignoring impassable terain or overlapping other fighters.
5Holo Projector
The device functions as a holo projector and can be used to make the fighter appear a short distance away from where they really are. 4+ field armour save against ranged attacks (not close combat or blast/template). If the save is failed, the item is useless for the rest of the battle.
The device is a powerful and compact weapon. It is only pistol-sized but it is as effective as a much larger piece of ordnance. Roll a D6:

5Plasma gun
6Grenade launcher with frag grenades.
The weapon has the standard profile for its type but also includes the Sidearm trait. Can be used by any fighter.

Armoured Undersuit

25 Credits – Rare (7)
Source: Necromunda Core Rulebook (2023)

Save: +1.

Special Rules: Can be worn with other armour (except an armoured bodyglove).


35 Credits – Rare (8)
Source: Necromunda Core Rulebook (2023)

Roll one less injury dice in the first injury of each battle. If only one dice was being rolled, roll two and pick one to discard one.


30 Credits – Rare (8)
Source: Necromunda Core Rulebook (2023)

If equipped by a sentry when playing with the Sentries special rule, attackers don't have to be in the fighter's front vision arc to be spotted.

+1 to the D6 roll to spot an enemy (a natural 1 still fails).

Blind Snake Pouch

60 Credits – Rare (12)
Source: Necromunda Core Rulebook (2023)

Gains the Dodge skill. If they have Dodge already, they can dodge on a 5+. When dodging an attack from a fighter using Overwatch they can dodge on a 4+.

Cameleoline Cloak

35 Credits – Rare (9)
Source: Necromunda Core Rulebook (2023)

If the wearer doesn't move, they benefits from a -2 to hit for ranged attacks against them (until their next activation).


15 Credits – Rare (12)
Source: Necromunda Core Rulebook (2023)

Choose to use this at the start of the fighter's activation (they must be standing and active or engaged). Make an Intelligence test. If passed, their Gas and Toxin attacks that activation treat their target as having -1 Toughness.


500 Credits – Illegal (14)
Source: Necromunda Core Rulebook (2023)

Have a special rule in the Public Execution scenario (yes, that's all it does).

Cred Sniffer

35 Credits – Rare (8)
Source: Necromunda Core Rulebook (2023)

If the fighter takes part in the battle and isn't taken Out of Action or Seriously Injury at the end, they earn 4D6 credits.

Limited to 1 use per gang at a time.

Cult Icon

Source: Necromunda Core Rulebook (2023)

When a fighter uses Group Activation (X), they can activate one additonal fighter (eg GA(2) can activate 3 fighters). Must be carried by a fighter with both Gang Hierarchy (X) and Group Activation (X) special rules.

Limited to 1 per gang.


35 Credits – Illegal (10)
Source: Necromunda Core Rulebook (2023)

At the start of the battle, if carried by someone in the starting crew, the opponent must randomly reveal one of their gang tactics.

Dome Runner Map

100 Credits – Rare (9)
Source: Necromunda Core Rulebook (2023)
(previously called the Ratskin map - RIP Ratskins)

Used when determining the scenario. If both players are try to use a map, only one can use it (roll off).

Roll off on the following table. That becomes the map type, so can be used in future pre-battle sequences (as long as it's not a fake).

Opponent chooses the scenario. The item is destroyed.
2Worn and Incomplete
Roll for the scenario, then optionally +/- 1 from the result.
3Treasure Map
Roll a D6. 1-5 - it's a Fake. 6 - it's a genuine treasure map. If you win the scenario, you get D6x20 credits on top of other rewards.
4Ancient and Faded
Roll for the scenario, then optionally +/- 2 from the result.
5Secret Pathways
D3 fighters gain Infiltrate for the duration of this scenario.
6Recent and Accurate
Roll for the scenario, then optionally +/- 3 from the result.

Drop Rig

10 Credits
Source: Necromunda Core Rulebook (2023)

Can make the following action when within 1" of a platform edge:

Descend (Basic): move up to 3" horizontally and up to 12" vertically downwards.


40 Credits – Rare (9)
Source: Necromunda Core Rulebook (2023)

The wearer can't be targeted by ranged, melee or psychic attacks until they make an attack on an enemy fighter, or until the end phase of the second round.

They will not raise the alarm if spotted by a sentry in a battle with Sneak Attack rules.

Filter Plugs

10 Credits
Source: Necromunda Core Rulebook (2023)

+1 Toughness when hit with a Gas attack.

If used, they are destroyed at the end of the battle.

Frenzon Collar

30 Credits – Rare (9)
Source: Necromunda Core Rulebook (2023)

Permanent Frenzon.

Each collar has a 'master motivator'. At the start of the battle, pick if your leader or one of your champions is carrying the motivator. If they make a Group Activation, the GA includes the fighter with the collar (no matter where they are on the battlefield). The GA limit is still the same.

If more than one fighter wears a collar, they are all linked to the same motivator.

Forged Guilder Seal

55 Credits – Illegal (11)
Source: Necromunda Core Rulebook (2023)

Reduces the Rarity of an item in the TP by 2. Also reduce the prices of any items by 3D6 credits (to a minimum of 10 credits). If a double 1 or double 6 are rolled in this price check, the lose the Seal and are declared Outlaws (the item is still bought as normal).

Grapnel Launcher

25 Credits
Source: Necromunda Core Rulebook (2023)

An active fighter can make the following action:

Grapnel (Double): move up to 12" in a straight line, in any direction. Can go between levels (but not through terrain).


50 Credits – Rare (10)
Source: Necromunda Core Rulebook (2023)

Immune to fall damage.

Halo Device

250 Credits – Illegal (14)
Source: Necromunda Core Rulebook (2023)

Transfer the effect of a Lasting Injury to another fighter in your gang. The wearer is treated as suffering Out Cold and taken off the battlefield. The assigned fighter stays on the battlefield but incurs the Lasting Injury (unless your rolled 61-66, in which case they are removed).


40 Credits – Rare (8)
Source: Necromunda Core Rulebook (2023)

Exotic Beasts need to pass an Intelligence test to attack the bearer. If they fail, the attack action is wasted. If the Exotic Beast owner is within 3" on the bearer, it can use the the owner's Intelligence instead.

Hexagrammic Fetish

35 Credits – Rare (10)
Source: Necromunda Core Rulebook (2023)

When bought, roll a D6.

1Rubbish - sell for 3D6 credits
2-5Psychics suffer -1 Willpower when targeting the bearer
6Psychics suffer -3 Willpower when targeting the bearer

Holochromatic Field

100 Credits – Illegal (9)
Source: Necromunda Core Rulebook (2023)

Ranged attacks: -2 to hit.
Melee attacks: -1 to hit.

Whenever the wearer is targeted, roll a D6. On a 1, the Holochromatic field becomes inactive for the rest of the battle.

Fighters wearing an active field are always 'revealed' for Pitch Black rules.

Cannot be combined with Cameleoline Cloaks or similar devices that make the wearer harder to see.

Industrial Respirator

30 Credits – Rare (7)
Source: Necromunda Core Rulebook (2023)

+3 Toughness (+4 with a Hazard Suit) against Gas attacks.

For one activation per battle, they can activate the respirator's air supply. This makes them immune to to Gass attacks, can act normally while on fire (will suffer damage, but won't run around) and make ignore any effects related to breathing or air quality.

Lho Sticks

5 Credits
Source: Necromunda Core Rulebook (2023)

Friendly fighters can use this fighters Cool characteristic instead of their own, if:

  • they have Intelligence 8+ or worse
  • are within line of sight, and
  • are within 6".


10 Credits
Source: Necromunda Core Rulebook (2023)

When making the Force Door (Basic) action, add 4 to their Strength. Doors opened with lock-punches are permanently damaged and must be removed from the battlefield.


20 Credits
Source: Necromunda Core Rulebook (2023)

A fighter can try and handcuff an enemy using an Attack (Basic) action if they are in base contact. The target makes a Initiative check to try and avoid being handcuffed. If they pass, nothing happens, but if they fail they have been handcuffed!

A handcuffed fight cannot move, cannot make ranged attacks, and their melee attacks are -2 to hit.

They can attempt to get free by performing a Break Bonds (Double) action. Roll 2D6. If the result is lower or equal their Strength, they're free. Any friendly fighters in base contact will add +2 to their strength for this check.

Malefic Artefact

90 Credits – Illegal (13)
Source: Necromunda Core Rulebook (2023)

When bought, allocate to a fighter, then roll on the table below.

If transferred to another fighter, they must pass an Intelligence test the first time they try and activate it. If they pass, use it like norma. If failed, wait until the next battle before trying to activate again.

1Cursed Artefact
Bearer starts the next battle with the Insane condition, and the item is destroyed.
2Whisper Vox
Bearer gains the Overwatch skill.
If they already have Overwatch, they can use Aim (Basic) in addition to Shoot (Basic) when using Overwatch.
3Void Gate
Unlocks the Unleash the Void (Double) action.
Using this means all fighters within 6" can only take one action for the rest of their round.
4Aetheric Lantern
Unlocks the Ignite Aetheric Lantern (Double) action.
Using this means any fighters within 12" that are Seriously Injured must pass a Toughness check or go Out of Action.
Roll a D6 when activating.
1 - the bearer takes no actions this round.
2-5 - take an extra action this round.
6 - after completing their activation, they can teleport anywhere within 12".
6Terror Telepathica
Becomes immune to Insane.
Any other fighter that activates within 6" of them must immediately pass a Willpower test or gain the Insane condition.

Medicae Kit

30 Credits – Rare (9)
Source: Necromunda Core Rulebook (2023)

When the bearer is assisting a recovery, roll an extra injury dice and choose one to discard.

Mnemonic Inload Spike

100 Credits – Illegal (12)
Source: Necromunda Core Rulebook (2023)

When bought, allocate to a fighter, then roll on the Lasting Injuries table (re-rolling Bitter Enmity or Captured). If they're still alive, they can gain a skill of their choice from the Agility, Brawn, Combat, Cunning, Ferocity, Leadership, Savant or Shooting skill trees. This item is then removed.


35 Credits – Rare (9)
Source: Necromunda Core Rulebook (2023)

Can attack through smoke clouds.

Increased the range of Visibility (X") by 9".

If hit with Flash, add 1 to the result of the test to see if they become Blind.


20 Credits
Source: Necromunda Core Rulebook (2023)

Increased the range of Visibility (X") by 9".

Cannot be Hidden (always Revealed).


50 Credits – Illegal (12)
Source: Necromunda Core Rulebook (2023)

When the bearer used a psychic power, or is the target of a psychic power, resolve that action, then place a token next to that fighter (a 'Psi-grub' token). When the bearer has one or more tokens, they can use these to empower a psychic ability.

Make a Tap Psi-grub (Basic) Action and roll a D6. If the result is equal or lower than the number of tokens, the Psi-grub is triggered (if it fails, nothing happens).

When triggered, remove all the tokens, then immediately use one of your psychic powers just as if you had taken a Wyrd Power (X) action (see Using Wyrd Powers). This action does not require the fighter to make a Willpower test.

If you accumulate 6 tokens, the psi-grub explodes. Remove the tokens and role an injury dice for the bearer instead.


15 Credits
Source: Necromunda Core Rulebook (2023)

+2 Toughness against the Gas trait.

Sanctioning Writ

25 Credits – Illegal (10)
Source: Necromunda Core Rulebook (2023)

Place a Bounty on any fighter of a Law Abiding gang (see Claim Bounties). The Bounty remains until it if either fulfilled or the fighter dies.

Second Best

15 Credits
Source: Necromunda Core Rulebook (2023)

Unlocks the Take a Swig (Simple) action. When used, roll a D6. 1-3, the botle is emptied and remove the item from the fighter.

Whenever the action is used, the fighter becomes more drunk! For each swig, place an intoxication token next to them and remove a Flesh Wound. These tokens remain until the end of the battle.

Number of Intoxicated MarkersEffect
1Feeling Good: -1 to ranged attack hit rolls, +1 to the result of Cool tests.
2Getting Unsteady: -2 to ranged attack hit rolls, +2 to the result of Cool tests. If the fighter makes two Move actions in a row, they must pass an Initiative test after completing the second action or become Prone and Pinned.
3+Blind Drunk: -3 to ranged attack hit rolls and -1 to melee attack hit rolls, +3 to the result of Cool tests. When the fighter makes a Move action, instead of using the fighter’s Movement characteristic, move the fighter D6" in a direction determined by the Scatter dice.

Servo Harness

Source: Necromunda Core Rulebook (2023)

Partial Servo Harness

130 credits – Rare (12)

Benefits: +2 Strength, +1 Toughness, gains suspensors for Unwieldy weapons.

Drawbacks: -1" Movement, -1 Initiative.

Cannot be combined with any other Servo Harness or a Servo Claw.

Full Servo Harness

160 credits – Rare (12)

Benefits: +2 Strength, +1 Toughness, gains suspensors for Unwieldy weapons.

Drawbacks: none.

Cannot be combined with any other Servo Harness or a Servo Claw.


10 Credits
Source: Necromunda Core Rulebook (2023)

If captured after a battle, add +2 on the escape roll.

If successful, the skinblade is removed from the fighter.

Stimm-Slug Stash

30 Credits – Rare (7)
Source: Necromunda Core Rulebook (2023)

Can be used at the start of one activation per battle.

Remove a flesh wound. Add +2" Move, +2 Strength and +2 Toughness until the end of the round.

In the End Phase, roll a D6. On a 1 roll an injury dice.

Strip Kit

15 Credits
Source: Necromunda Core Rulebook (2023)

+2 Intelligence when attempting to operate a door or bypass a loot casket's lock.

Suspensor Harness

40 Credits – Rare (9)
Source: Necromunda Core Rulebook (2023)

Can carry four guns instead of three.

Bounty Hunters can carry six weapons instead of five.

Threadneedle Worms

45 Credits – Illegal (13)
Source: Necromunda Core Rulebook (2023)

Unlocks the Can of Worms (Basic) action. Roll on the table below.

Single Use.

1The Worms Turn: Roll an Injury dice for bearer.
2-3A Few Live Worms: Place a 5" Blast marker anywhere within D6" of the bearer. Roll an injury dice for anyone under the marker.
4-5A Few More Live Worms: Place a 5" Blast marker anywhere within D6" of the bearer, then two more 5" Blast markers so they are touching the first. Roll an Injury dice (individually) for everyone under the markers.
6A Can Full of Worms: Roll an Injury dice for every enemy fighter on the battlefield. Treat Out of Action as Seriously Injured instead.

Web Solvent

25 Credits – Rare (8)
Source: Necromunda Core Rulebook (2023)

When making a recovery check when webbed, roll an extra injury dice and discard one.

When a fight with web solvent assists another web fighter with recovery, roll two injury dice for the assist (instead of one) and discard one.

Wild Snake

30 Credits
Source: Necromunda Core Rulebook (2023)

Unlocks the Take a Swig (Simple) action.
When used, roll a D6. On a 1 or 2, the bottle is empty and the item is destroyed.

Whenever the action is used, the fighter becomes more drunk! For each swig, place an intoxication token next to them and remove a Flesh Wound. These tokens remain until the end of the battle.

Intoxicated MarkersEffect
1A Good Buzz: -1 to ranged attack hit rolls, +2 to Cool tests.
2Seeing Double: -1 to ranged attack hit rolls, +3 to Cool tests.
When making a ranged attack, randomise the target between the intended target and any fighter within 6" of them.
3+Snake Courage!: -2 to ranged attack hit rolls, automatically pass Cool tests.


80 Credits – Illegal (12)
Source: Necromunda Core Rulebook (2023)

Allocate to a fighter, then roll a D6.

If transferred to another fighter, they must pass an Intelligence test the first time they try and activate it. If they pass, use it like norma. If failed, wait until the next battle before trying to activate again.

1Alien Trap
Bearer goes into recovery and the item is destroyed.
2Xenos Claws
The bearer’s unarmed attacks become S+2 D2 and gain the Power trait. While equipped, any ranged attacks they make suffer a -2 to hit.
3Ghost Form
When the bearer activates they can enter ghost form, which lasts until their next activation.
Ignore all terrain, the effects of falling and all attacks except psychic powers. They can't make attacks themselves or interact with the environment. Each time they use Ghost Form, roll a D6 - on a 4+ the item is useless for the remainder of the battle.
4Horror Aura
When the bearer activates, all fighters within 6" must pass a Nerve test or become Broken.
5Alien Chem-factory
When making recovery or assists, roll two injury dice and discard one.
Post-battle, one member of the gand can take a free Medical Escort.
6Brain Booster
Add +5 to Intelligence tests.
Each time they gain Experience, they gain +1 additional XP.

Exclusive Personal Equipment

Arachni-Rig Jump Boosters

Van Saar only
Source: The Aranthian Succession: Ruins of Jardlan

+3" Movement for Move (Simple) or a Charge (Double) actions.

Up to half their movement can be vertical. If they finish a move in the air, they fall.

When used in a Charge, they gain +1 to hit and +1 Strength.

Ash Waste Grav-cutter

Van Saar only, 65 Credits
Source: The Aranthian Succession: Ruins of Jardlan

  • +2" Movement.
  • Gain the Mounted condition.
  • Any cover modifers applied to them when they're a target are reduced by 1.

Anti-grav Platform: the bearer may ignore all terrain, move freely between levels, never falls and can move over enemy fighters, ignoring the 1" rule. They can't ignore impassable terrain and may not end their movement with their base overlapping an obstacle or within 1" of an enemy fighter’s base.

Hands Free: Ignores the Hands Full rule due to the Mounted condition.

Auto-gyro Stabilisation: +2 to the Initiative test to avoid being pinned when hit by attempting to perform the Stand Up (Basic) action.

Grav-Cutters In The Ash Wastes

"When founding a gang for an Ash Wastes Campaign, grav-cutters count as Wargear that grants the Mounted condition. However, grav-cutters may still be used in battles that do not allow Wargear that grants the Mounted condition (note this does not allow ash waste grav-cutters to be used in these battles)."

Ash Cloak

Ash Wastes Nomads only

Designed to survive and maintain life in the midst of the ash wastes, an ash cloak provides protection against the harsh environment. It grants the following benefits:

  • The fighter counts as being equipped with a respirator.
  • If the fighter loses a wound as a result of the battlefield conditions roll a D6; on a 5+ they ignore the effect and do not lose a wound.

Bomb Delivery Rats

House Cawdor only

If equipped with a grenade, spend a Basic action (Prime Bomb Rat) action:

  • Make an Ammo roll as if used normally.
  • Place the bomb delivery rat B2B.
  • Make an Intelligence test to try to affect where the rat moves:
    • Pass: Move 6" in a chosen direction.
    • Fail: Move 6" in a random direction.

Rat movement:

  • Ignores all terrain (except impassable, walls etc.).
  • Suffers no penalties when climbing.
  • Leaps any gap of 2” or less freely (wider gaps are considered impassable).
  • Not a fighter, may move within 1” of other models.
  • Can be targeted by ranged or melee attacks, but apply an additional -1 hit modifier.
  • If hit, the grenade goes off on a 4+, then the rat is removed.

At the start of every subsequent round, after rolling for Priority but before activating any fighters, if the bomb delivery rat has not exploded then it will activate again.

Choose the direction and move the rat up 6” if all of the conditions apply for the fighter that deployed it is:

  • Within 9”
  • Active or Pinned
  • Passed an Intelligence test

Otherwise, if any of the following conditions apply to the fighter, move the rat in a random direction 6”:

  • Outside 9”
  • Failed the Intelligence test
  • Engaged
  • Seriously Injured
  • Out of Action

Should the rat at any time end its movement within 1” of a fighter (friend & foe), or another bomb delivery rat, roll a D6. On a 2+, the grenade will go off. On a 1, the grenade proves to be a dud and the rat vanishes into the darkness to dwell upon its good fortune. In either case, the rat is removed from play.

Book of the Redemption

House Cawdor only

Can spend a Basic action (Words of Wrath). Until the End phase, all friendly Faction fighters within 6" (when activating) can use one of the following:

  • Re-roll the D3 when Charging.
  • Re-roll hit rolls with a result of 1 (before modifiers).

Camoelean Elixir

Spire Black Market only

Can use at the start of an activation. For the rest of the battle:

  • all ranged attacks against them are -2 to hit
  • all close combat attacks against them are -1 to hit
  • may only be targeted by a ranged attacked within 6", if have a 5+ or worse armour save and are not carrying an Unwieldy weapon.

Cult Icon (Corpse Grinder)

Corpse Grinder Cult only

Max 1 per gang. Only available to a single Leader or Champion in the gang. Can spend a Simple action (Enrage):

All friendly fighters gain +D3” movement until the End phase of this round if all the following conditions are true:

  • Readied.
  • Active.
  • Completely within 6”

Draconic Scales

Spire Black Market only

Cannot have their armour save modified in any way.


Van Saar only
Source: House of Artifice

  • +2" Movement.
  • Don't become Pinned when hit by a ranged attack
  • Cannot perform Take Cover (Basic) or become voluntarily Prone.
  • Any Cover is reduced by 1 when they are targeted
  • If Prone for any other reason, they need to make a Stand Up (Double) to get up (this overrides other rules like Spring Up).

Anti-grav Platform: the bearer may ignore all terrain, move freely between levels, never falls and can move over enemy fighters, ignoring the 1" rule. They can't ignore impassable terrain and may not end their movement with their base overlapping an obstacle or within 1" of an enemy fighter’s base.

Fly By Attacks

Can perform a fly-by attack.

Hit & Run (Basic): Move a Move (Simple) as normal. If you pass over enemy fighters, picl one as a target. Make a single hit roll, S4, AP -, Damage 1 hit against them, with both the Concussion and Knockback traits.

Guilder Cartograph

Can alter the Badzone Environment.

The first Environment can be discarded immediately and replaced by a new one. If both gangs have it, roll-off to see who gets to use theirs for this battle.

In addition, the gang can deploy 4 loot caskets anywhere on the battlefield.

After each use, roll a 4+ or it is no longer valid.

Mirror Aegis

Spire Black Market only

When hit by an attack for the first time (before wound/armour saves), roll a D6:

  • 1 - Resolve the attack like normal, and the mirror is usable for the next hit
  • 2+ - The attack is blocked, and the bearer can be teleported anywhere within 6". The mirror is useless for the rest of the battle.

Proximity Auspex


A fighter equipped with a proximity auspex can take the Scan For Threats (Basic) action.

Scan For Threats (Basic): Select an enemy model within 24". They become Revealed until the end of the current round.

Psychofamile Pheromone

Spire Black Market only

When targeted by a ranged or close combat attack within 3" (including part of a Charge), the attacker must make a Willpower test. If passed, attack is resolved as normal, but if failed then no attack is made (the action is wasted).

Pyromantic Mantle

Melee weapons gain Blaze during this fighter's activation (not for Reaction attacks).


Can never be the random target of a Badzone Event unless there are no other fighters to choose from.

Ridge Walker

House Cawdor only

  • Movement becomes 9".
  • Gains the Mounted condition.
  • +1 to Initiative checks

Rocket Pack

Ash Wastes Nomads only

The first Ammo test for a friendly charge caster within 3" is automatically passed (once per battle per rocket pack).

Sky Mantle

Ash Wastes Nomads only

A fighter equipped with a sky mantle can take the Hide in the Wastes (Double) action.

Hide in the Wastes (Double): If at least 12" away from enemies, gain the Hidden condition - even if not using the Pitch Black rules. They become Revealed if they move as well as all the normal triggers for becoming Revealed.